Dec 7, 2012
Show Notes
Hi folks. Welcome to “Accessibility Minute”, your weekly look at Assisitive Technology—those clever tools and devices designed to help people who have difficulties with vision, mobility, hearing or other special needs.
Are you a regular listener of Accessibility Minute? Did you know that we also produce another show dealing with assistive technology and accessibility? Our flagship show, Assistive Technology Update is produced weekly and includes the latest news, questions and answers, app reviews and interviews with thought leaders in the field of assistive technology. Sometimes it's techie, sometimes its heartwarming, but it always involves the latest in assistive technology. Check it out at or search for assistive technology update in iTunes. You'll be glad you did!
For more information, to read our blog or to drop us a line, visit That was your accessibility minute for this week. I’m Wade Wingler with the INDATA Project at Easter Seals Crossroads, in Indiana.