Hey there! Welcome to Accessibility Minute, your weekly look
at Assistive Technology. Those clever tools and devices
designed to help people who have difficulties with vision,
mobility, hearing or other special needs.
Do you enjoy helping other people? Did you know there is
a way to help others without leaving the comfort of your own
couch? For the visually impaired, daily tasks such as
checking expiration dates or navigating around a new environment
can be challenging. The Be My Eyes App aims to conquer such
challenges by pairing sighted individuals with those with
visual impairments via video chat. Once an individual who is
blind requests assistance on this app, the volunteer receives a
notification and a live video connection is established. From
the live video, volunteers can describe what they see, answering
the visually impaired person's question.
For more information, to read our blog or to drop us a line,
visit EasterSealsTech.com. That was your accessibility
minute for this week. I¹m Laura Medcalf with the INDATA
Project at Easter Seals Crossroads, in Indiana.
About the Podcast
A weekly look at assistive technology--tools designed to assist people with vision, mobility, or hearing impairments. Produced by the INDATA Project at Easter Seals Crossroads in Indiana.