Hey there! Welcome to Accessibility Minute, your weekly look
at Assistive Technology, those clever tools and devices designed to
help people who have difficulties with vision, mobility, hearing or
other special needs!
Many individuals have a hard time regulating their body
temperature. Some are always freezing, while...
Hey there! Welcome to Accessibility Minute, your weekly look
at Assistive Technology, those clever tools and devices designed to
help people who have difficulties with vision, mobility, hearing or
other special needs!
More than 70 million people worldwide stutter, which is about
1% of the population. In the US alone,...
Hey there! Welcome to Accessibility Minute, your weekly look
at Assistive Technology, those clever tools and devices designed to
help people who have difficulties with vision, mobility, hearing or
other special needs!
Looking for a fun, challenging puzzle for your child?
Hey there! Welcome to Accessibility Minute, your weekly look
at Assistive Technology, those clever tools and devices designed to
help people who have difficulties with vision, mobility, hearing or
other special needs!
TouchChat HD 2.0 is a full-featured communication app...
Hey there! Welcome to Accessibility Minute, your weekly look
at Assistive Technology, those clever tools and devices designed to
help people who have difficulties with vision, mobility, hearing or
other special needs!
There are so many fun and useful features jam packed
A weekly look at assistive technology--tools designed to assist people with vision, mobility, or hearing impairments. Produced by the INDATA Project at Easter Seals Crossroads in Indiana.