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Accessibility Minute - Assistive Technology Tips and Tricks for Everyone

Jan 2, 2013

Show Notes  

Hi folks. Welcome to “Accessibility Minute”, your weekly look at Assisitive Technology—those clever tools and devices designed to help people who have difficulties with vision, mobility, hearing or other special needs.

As we enter the winter months in the United States, many people look forward to snow and weather-related activities like ice skating and snow skiiing.  However, if you live in an area with sidewalks or other places where the public goes, don't forget to clear your sidewalks, driveways and other areas that might be used by people who use wheelchairs, canes, crutches, walkers or other mobility-related devices.  In some cities, there are laws that require home and business owners to clear a path to ensure the safe travel of everyone--especially those with limited mobility.  

For more information, to read our blog or to drop us a line, visit That was your accessibility minute for this week. I’m Wade Wingler with the INDATA Project at Easter Seals Crossroads, in Indiana.