Hey there and Merry Christmas! Welcome to Accessibility
Minute, your weekly look at Assistive Technology, those clever
tools and devices designed to help people who have difficulties
with vision, mobility, hearing or other special needs!
Wearable trackers and bracelets are becoming more and more
common in today's society. We use them to benefit our health,
productivity, and much, much more! But how might a
wearable benefit someone who is blind? Sunu Band is an
innovative wearable designed specifically for those with visual
Unlike other wearables available on the market, Sunu features
a proximity sensor that detects objects in the environment using
ultrasonic technology. So, as a person is navigating around,
the band emits "ultrasonic waves that hit and bounce back from
objects that are in the person's path, and 'echo' back to Sunu and
results in a vibration," In other words, the closer the
object, the more the band vibrates.
Sunu is currently campaigning on IndieGoGo to make this
wearable a reality for individuals with visual impairments.
To learn more, go to Sunu.io.
For more information, to read our blog, or to drop us a line,
visit EasterSealsTech.com. That was your Accessibility Minute for
this week! I¹m Laura Medcalf with the INDATA Project at
Easter Seals Crossroads, in Indiana.
About the Podcast
A weekly look at assistive technology--tools designed to assist people with vision, mobility, or hearing impairments. Produced by the INDATA Project at Easter Seals Crossroads in Indiana.