Jun 21, 2019
Hey there! Welcome to Accessibility Minute, your weekly look at Assistive Technology, those clever tools and devices designed to help people who have difficulties with vision, mobility, hearing or other special needs!
I am always browsing the internet for different apps on iOS or Android devices. I recently stumbled upon the Visual Reading – Special Education app.
The Visual Reading app was developed by a parent who has a child
with autism. According to its description on Google Play, the app
is an “educational platform for reading development, speech and
language understanding, speech production training, and more. It
utilizes Applied Behavior Analysis (or ABA) principles to engage
children in reading.”
The Visual Reading app features:
Automated learning statistics
Wide learning settings
Optional font for students with dyslexia
Index of about 900 nouns, verbs, and numbers
Ability to create multiple student profiles
And more
Check it out on Google Play to learn more!
For more information, to read our blog, or to drop us a line, visit EasterSealsTech.com. That was your Accessibility Minute for this week! I’m Laura Medcalf with the INDATA Project at Easterseals Crossroads, in Indiana.