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Accessibility Minute - Assistive Technology Tips and Tricks for Everyone

May 6, 2022

Hey there! Welcome to Accessibility Minute, your weekly look at Assistive Technology, those clever tools and devices designed to help people who have difficulties with vision, mobility, hearing, or other special needs!

If you’re in the market for a new portable digital video magnifier, check out the new Smartlux Digital portable video magnifier!  This portable magnifier has a full HD camera that features a 5″ reflection-free display.

The Smartlux Digital has an easy-to-use interface with four color-coded tactile control buttons that provide a customizable writing and reading solution for individuals with visual impairments.

Other features include:

  • Ergonomic portable video magnifier with a 5″ reflection-free display, large field of view, and customizable setting options
  • LEDs are individually adjustable
  • 14 color contrast mode options, adjustable lines and blinds, and more
  • 8GB internal storage
  • And much more!

Visit to learn more.

For more information, to read our blog, or to drop us a line, visit

I’d like to take a moment to thank InTRAC, the Indiana Telephone Relay Access Corporation for sponsoring our transcript today.  You can find out more about InTRAC at

That was your Accessibility Minute for this week! I’m Laura Medcalf with the INDATA Project at Easterseals Crossroads, in Indiana.