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Accessibility Minute - Assistive Technology Tips and Tricks for Everyone

Mar 29, 2019

320-3-29-19 TactPlus Printer

Hey there! Welcome to Accessibility Minute, your weekly look at Assistive Technology, those clever tools and devices designed to help people who have difficulties with vision, mobility, hearing or other special needs!

Looking for a way to print braille and 3D images? Check out the TactPlus...

Mar 22, 2019

Hey there! Welcome to Accessibility Minute, your weekly look at Assistive Technology, those clever tools and devices designed to help people who have difficulties with vision, mobility, hearing or other special needs!

Do you or a loved one have high blood pressure?  If you're looking for a way to monitor your numbers...

Mar 8, 2019

Hey there! Welcome to Accessibility Minute, your weekly look at Assistive Technology, those clever tools and devices designed to help people who have difficulties with vision, mobility, hearing or other special needs!

Staying in touch with family, friends and caregivers is crucial for people with disabilities,...

Mar 1, 2019

AM317 - Zerotie hands-free lacing shoes

Hey there! Welcome to Accessibility Minute, your weekly look at Assistive Technology, those clever tools and devices designed to help people who have difficulties with vision, mobility, hearing or other special needs!

Over the past few years, we've covered several different...